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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Come Grow With Us!

In Science Lab we are learning all about plants! Our teacher gave each of us our very own "bean-ie" baby (our bean seed). We have to watch over our little seeds to make sure they get exactly what they need to grow into an adult plant. We have learned that all plants and animals need the same things to survive: sun, water, air, and space. Right now we have been watching our plants grow for 15 days. Our plants now have the four main parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves, and the flower. Pretty soon our plants will be ready to take home so we can put them in soil next to a sunny window! Along our plant journey our vocabulary is growing, too! We have discussed the meaning of these cool words: photosynthesis, germination, pollination, seedling, seed coat, seed leaf, and embryo(tiny plant). Our plant exploration is coming to an end, but we sure did learn a lot! Check out some of these links to learn more:
Leaves Mini-Video
Helping Plants Grow Well
How to grow your name on a sponge
The Plant Part Song
Plant Growth Experiments
Bill Nye on Plants
The Life Cycle of Plants

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